Phase I

☆ Make user-friendly materials, such as webinars, videos, and articles, to inform users about LpTracker.

☆ To enhance and improve LpTracker, compile data and user feedback.

☆ Ask those who have used LpTracker tracking intelligence about their experiences.

☆ To notice and respond to lp burns transactions, the LpTracker's behavioral analysis algorithms are constantly being enhanced.

Phase II

☆ Look into collaborations with reputable cryptocurrency exchanges to integrate LpTracker token into their platforms.

☆ educating a larger audience about the enhanced security aspects

☆ Engage a reputable external security auditing firm to review the LpTracker token smartcontract.

Phase III

☆ With well-known Ethereum wallet providers, LpTracker token security features are supported.

☆ During the audit, take care of any weaknesses to provide the greatest level of security.

☆ Conduct thorough testing to ensure the tracker works as intended and interacts with the Ethereum network and other networks.

☆ Make intelligence for the LpTracker and implement it into the Lptracker token smart contract.

Last updated